Governments worldwide are facing the imperative to overhaul their systems to enhance service delivery, boost efficiency, and most critically, to heighten transparency, accountability, and combat corruption. 

OAS, leveraging its extensive industry acumen and proficiency, has been instrumental in aiding various government departments to enhance their fundamental operations, bolster network security, foster innovation, and reform, thereby improving the overall user experience.

Governments worldwide face similar challenges, especially within the South African public sector. Many South African government departments are embracing technology to enhance their operations, yet they face several urgent issues that need immediate attention:

  • Inefficient systems and a shortage of technical skills to meet demands
  • High levels of mismanagement, poor equipment maintenance, and unskilled staff lead to highly inefficient or nonexistent services for South African consumers.
  • Frequent cyber-attacks within the public sector, costing millions of rand annually
  • Cumbersome working conditions and access to information, causing frustration for both staff and consumers
  • Insufficient funding and lack of expenditure control
  • Staff apathy

These issues underscore the challenges from the South African Government is facing and its turn to technology to resolve some of these problems.

However, in the South African context, OAS has identified that the lack of skilled staff is the greatest obstacle to digital transformation. More than anything, government departments need a partner to help them optimize infrastructure through an OAS managed services agreement.

Another challenge is that government departments have implemented various software solutions, many of which conflict with the infrastructure's underlying platform.

The solution is the Citric Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Citrix Infrastructure as Service (IaaS)

Citrix PaaS provides a comprehensive platform that includes development tools, database management systems, servers, storage, and networking solutions, enabling users to build, test, deploy, manage, and update applications in the cloud.

Citrix IaaS - This service transfers essential storage, networking, and computing resources to the cloud. Organizations utilizing IaaS can minimize expenses related to purchasing and maintaining on-premises servers and data centers. Offered on a pay-as-you-go basis, IaaS allows for scalable infrastructure adjustments according to organizational needs.

Implementing Citrix solutions will enable a variety of systems/software within an existing environment to operate in a unified and optimal manner. However, due to a severe lack of skills, it is crucial for governments to partner with a suitable vendor through a Managed Service Partner agreement. A Managed Service Partner can provide a comprehensive range of services, from infrastructure audits and consulting to solution recommendation, implementation, deployment, and ongoing maintenance and support.

A critical deficiency in the SA Government's infrastructure is a robust network security solution. Recent years have witnessed multiple cyber-attacks on various government departments, resulting in damage costing millions of rands.

To address the security challenges, Citrix offers a leading Cyber Security solution, grounded in the Zero Trust Network Access philosophy, which provides two major areas of protection.

External: As remote access becomes increasingly common, the use of BYOD and network accessibility has broadened the cyber threat landscape. Citrix Secure Access mitigates these threats by connecting users at the application level, thereby enhancing the security posture. Moreover, it replaces traditional VPN protocols with cloud-delivered ZTNA. CSA employs adaptive authentication and access policies based on device posture, location, and risk scores, enabling employees to access necessary resources securely on their preferred devices.

Internal: Internal threats can pose greater challenges than external ones. Reports of mismanagement, malicious employee actions, and potential theft and fraud indicate that internal threats can be more costly and damaging.

Citrix Secure Access, in conjunction with Citrix Analytics for Security, is engineered to protect against external attacks and uphold a high level of internal security.

The solution demands adaptive authentication and can evaluate and deter undesirable behavior. Citrix Analytics for Security is designed to monitor user behavior, identify anomalies, and prevent malicious activity in real-time.

Additionally, the solution facilitates the implementation of user usage policies, ensuring that only authorized employees can access specific data or applications, while creating a cyber paper trail to track and identify unauthorized access.

In summary, it is imperative for the SA Government to develop a unified digital transformation strategy, invest in a robust network security solution, and engage a managed service partner to effectively meet the public's expectations in the digital era.