Managing Citrix infrastructure can be highly complex, necessitating specialized technical knowledge. This complexity places significant demands on IT departments to ensure networks operate efficiently, Citrix solutions are optimized, and security is robust—all within the constraints of budget and cost reduction.

To fully ascertain whether Citrix solutions are adhering to these standards and achieving overarching business goals, it is imperative to carry out regular infrastructure health checks.

There are numerous reasons why conducting a health check is critical, such as:

  • If your Citrix server farm was established over a year ago, conducting a health check is essential for optimizing the infrastructure. Ensure compliance with key Citrix policies
  • Frequent troubleshooting, such as slow infrastructure response, regular user login problems, and more, necessitates a health check to identify issues
  • The reliability and integrity of information, along with the protection of assets, are paramount

Open Architecture Systems, Southern Africa's premier Citrix Solutions provider with extensive experience in Citrix solutions, offers a comprehensive health check by our team of certified and highly experienced engineers, which includes:

  •  A thorough background check of the infrastructure, encompassing both hardware and software
  • Identification of areas of concern, including latency, software versioning, patching needs, incompatible products within the infrastructure, and potential upgrade and improvement recommendations
  • Optimization of licensing, storage, and bandwidth utilization
  • Minimization of waste and duplication