08 Aug

“As women achieve power, the barriers will fall. As society sees what women can do, as women see what women can do, there will be more women out there doing things, and we’ll all be better off for it.”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Philip Lavers GM - Open Arcitecture Systems, comments " women in upper management brings a balance to the entire decision process, client relationships and overall competency to the company."

He goes onto encourage women to continue to "strive for excellence", particularly in the IT Industry, and echoes the sentiments in Harvard's Business Review:

"Having women on the board results better acquisition and investment decisions and in less aggressive risk-taking, yielding benefits for shareholders." 

"What’s less clear is why these effects happen." 

Harvard's research suggests one potential reason: “Having female board members helps temper the overconfidence of male CEOs, improving overall decision making for the company.”

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